Tuesday, April 1, 2008


I try to write out my thoughts into a coherent literary piece, but then I realize that I was not the family member blessed with the talent of writing. However my skills in oratory are much more impressive.

Typically I blog when I'm depressed or feeling sorry for myself. That could be why I'm having such a hard time writing lately. I have nothing to complain about. I am happy with pretty much every aspect of my life. I have two jobs, one I absolutely hate and one I semi like. I am pretty sure I received my teaching license this week. In mid-April my opportunities for a real big kid job will appear. I am single because I want to be right now. I would rather be by myself than in a bad relationship. I no longer want to settle just because I'm tired of being lonely. Life is going great. Sure I get bored every once and a while, and I am more than ready for warmer weather, but right now I really can't complain.

I still feel called to Africa. Luckily, being a teacher will allow me my summers off to explore the rest of the world. I've done a little bit of research on the African Sustainable Protein Project, and I want to volunteer. However, it is entirely voluntary so I would have to save a lot of money, and I need to do a lot more research so it won't be next summer. I'll get there though.

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