Friday, November 16, 2012

Baby Journey

Most out there who personally know me, know my husband, Will, and I are trying to start a family.  Who would've thought that when you want kids, its actually a hard thing to create.  I mean teenagers and stupid people procreate all the time without even wanting to, but when smart people like my husband and I want a family, it takes a lot of time and heartache. 

To be fair, we have only been trying for 5 months.  That is not a long time compared to some couples who have been trying for years.  But it is a long time to me.  I can see 30 approaching way too quickly, and I don't like it.  I'm not afraid of 30 persay, but more afraid of giving birth after 30.  I want to do this naturally; I do NOT want a c-section.  For some women that is the right path, but I do not want that to be our path.  I turn 28 in 2 weeks.  Sure that's still 2 years away from 30, but I have to spend 9 months of that cooking the little bugger before I can give birth.  2 years is not a lot of time. 

I know we would be great parents.  We both had some pretty good examples of what to do and what not to do.  But first we have to get pregnant.  I promise we're trying.  Really hard too.  I'm reading every article I can about how to get pregnant, how to ensure conception, which days are best, when I'm most fertile, etc...  Since I'm not pregnant yet, I can't help but feel like a failure, like I can't provide this family we imagine.  Again, I know it s only been 5 months and I shouldn't let it bother me so much, but I can't help it. 

That's all I have for now.  I feel like I'm about to start crying, so I'm stopping.

Thursday, September 13, 2012


Let me start with I am not fired up over either candidate for President.  I think a politician is a politician and none of them can be the Savior of the United States.  That said, I have to agree that apologizing for the video was the right move to make by President Obama.  He wasn't apologizing for America and it's practices, he was saying that this one video doesn't represent all Americans.  That retaliatory actions taken over this video were wrong because it does not represent America.  The peaceful ambassador who was killed did represent America.  I believe the President made the right call.  Being a leader means taking responsibility for your team, followers, citizens, whether you actually agree with them or not.  A true leader admits mistakes whether he/she committed them or not.  A leader takes on the burdens of others to lighten the load for those for whom he/she stands up.

Mr. Romney, President Obama won this round.  The ball is in your court to show that you are a leader not a puppet of the party.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Big City Woes

Ok OKC. Here's the deal. We are now a big league city. Have been for a few years, but this year, it truly feels like it. I know some of you who read this in other, bigger cities might not understand from where I'm coming, and that's ok. That's what makes us different from other cities. We have a A relatively high crime in this city, in OKC proper, yet I rarely feel unsafe. Maybe it's just my personality that makes me unafraid, but there are no areas in this city I am afraid to go. Sure there are some I avoid but not out of fear but rather out of no need to be there. I'll go to the East side looking for BoBo's, to the south side for a good taqueria, to the NW side for work, and yes sometimes even Edmond when I'm forced. West of Automobile Alley isnt that great, but I'll go when needed I'm not afraid of these areas, I just rarely go there. That being said Bricktown is one of the safest areas in the city. The area I live in is one of the least safest in the city, and I do not feel unsafe. I am saddened by what happened in our city after such a victorious night for us. When I saw the shots above Thunder Alley, my first thought was crazy people, that is riot central. But I never thought it would actually happen. Sure the shooting could have had nothing to do with the ball game. But 6000-8000 people crammed together in a space smaller than one city block does not sound like a good idea to me. If you are drinking down there you are breaking open container laws and flaunting it. Be smarter people. If you want to drink, go to a bar, preferably locally owned and infuse the economy with your team spirit. Stay at home with friends or family, enjoy a beer or two, maybe a brat, wear your blue and orange wherever you are, but please remember that while a win is frickin awesome and a loss sucks, it is still just a game. Don't make yourself sick, physically or metaphysically. It's not worth it. There is no reason to open fire on our brothers and sisters. Violence is never the answer. To clarify, the primary roles of LOVE are not to heal, fix, or mend. Not to soothe, cure, or ease. Not even to refresh, rejuvenate, or restore. Hardly. The primary roles of LOVE are to "Yahoo!" "Yeehaa!" and "Whoohooo!" So get your love on, people. For the wounded, our brothers and sisters, Thunder, and OKC. LOVE.