Friday, February 7, 2014


A story from AP Mobile:

Missing Wisconsin infant found alive in Iowa

TOWN OF BELOIT, Wis. (AP) - Police say a newborn missing from a southern Wisconsin home has been found alive at an eastern Iowa gas station. Town of Beloit Police Chief Steven Kopp says an officer checking along an interstate near West Branch, Iowa, found the nearly week-old Kayden Powell on Friday morning. Gas station manager Jay Patel says the baby was found in a closed, gray plastic storage b...

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It's stories like this that upset me me a lot during this difficult time of infertility.  People have children and then lose them like this. You've got to be kidding me. How can such irresponsible people be given lives to care for when there are people like me who want that but can't have it?  Sometimes, this feels like a cruel joke. It feels like the Universe is laughing at me, and I can't figure out what I've done to deserve it. If I don't deserve it then what lesson am I supposed to learn from it?  

I think I might just need a cup of tea now. 

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