Sunday, September 7, 2008

The Bears are winning.

I've survived 2 weeks teaching 13 year olds. I haven't gotten more than 6 hours of sleep a night in the last 2 weeks, but I wouldn't do anything else. I love what I'm doing. Sure part time sucks. It makes me have to have a second job, but I truly love teaching. I would love a full time job, but that's going to come next year. I just don't know if it will be at the same school. But more on that later.

Apparently I am the hot new teacher in school. I got to say I'm flattered and enjoy every minute of it, too. Being told that you're beautiful or hot everyday does something for your ego, even if it is from 7th graders. The good part is they realize that they have no chance. The bad part is it makes them fearless. Oh well.

The day I had what was essentially my third interview, I went home and basically broke down. That day just happened to be a culmination of an emotional hurricane. The interview itself brought emotions that I didn't know I was bottling. So when I got home, I broke down. I had been losing my faith. I am of a mind that I am put where God wants me to be. I will listen and go where he wants me. During this breakdown, I cried. Hard. But I also prayed. I ask what God wanted from me. I said I was listening and trying to be where he wants me, but how can I go if I don't know where he wanted me. All I wanted was a direction. I didn't need a destination, just a sign of some sort to say "Hold on, just a bit more." I heard God that day. I heard him clear as a bell say "Take the job, work for Jenifer, then move to Texas in a year." So now I'm waiting and hoping. I'm not waiting and hoping the year passes quickly. I'm waiting on the deciding factor regarding where in Texas I'll move to. Just when i think I'll go to Dallas and live with Lori, Patrick pops back up making me think that I will go to San Antonio. Of course I would love for him to move here, but that's never gonna happen. But then, I was told to move to Texas.

Thankfully, listening to the Big Guy has been fairly fruitful.

Here's to keeping the faith.

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